Sunday, March 26, 2017

Fool the Media with Deception The Stealth Jihad

By the Watchman

  We feel reasonably certain that everyone has heard about the incident involving an Oklahoma State Representative, Muslim students and representatives of CAIR. There are a few things that were left out of the reports seen on television and reported in newspapers that we felt you should be made aware of. What brought this to our attention was this article Oklahoma lawmaker receiving backlash after asking Muslim students to fill out 'hateful' questionnaire before meeting with them. We do encourage our readers to open the link and read the article. We will put the entire article in this newsletter, with the only corrections being spelling corrections. At the end we'll give you a few additional subjects to think about. These are facts not mentioned in the article that the television news and newspapers were hoping no one would bring to your attention.

Rep. John Bennett confirmed to the Tulsa World that three Muslim students visiting his office as part of Muslim Day were given questionnaires. 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

A Tax Increase Is still A Tax Increase, No Matter What you call It


The Watchman
Is it us or has everyone else also noticed that politicians are a rare breed. They feel a certain amount of power over the people that they are supposed to work for yet are perfectly willing to get up in front of those same people and tell them a bald faced lie. Perhaps the saddest part of it all is people honestly believe it. Politicians believe that if they can't dazzle you with their brilliance they can always baffle you with their bull crap. We see it in full display of all it gaudy glory during this session of the legislature.

In 2006 the federal government passed the Real I.D. Act. When they did so, they in effect established a National I.D. card. They took advantage of the left coast loons and the east coast power players to increase the steps towards total control of the American populace. In 2007 Oklahoma passed a law that said we would not comply with the Real I.D. Act. Even though that law was passed, the Department of Public Safety used tax payer's dollars to purchase and place in tag agencies the necessary camera's to take a picture of the quality necessary for facial recognition. We know of only one brave individual in the state who fought this and won.

Then we found this article Oklahoma now has Real ID law, but don't get in line yet for new driver's license - Tulsa World: Homepagelatest. Now we all knew this was going to happen. The Governor and a majority of the Senate have been pushing for it over the last couple of years. There have even been a few Representatives trying to get it passed. Well it passed because the state needed the money. In the new language of the Tax Increase, a Fee has taken on a new meaning. They say you can still get the non-compliant Driver's License, but that's going to be a logistical nightmare for them. If you want the compliant license it's going to cost you an extra five ($5.00) dollars. Since they already have the cameras in the facilities, they'll have a photo of you that is capable of being used for facial recognition anyway. It's a tax or in this case a fee scam. This is just one of the words that have a new meaning in a tax increase.

The next article of interest we found was this  We encourage all of you to open this link and read the article. You can really see how many different ways they can describe tax increases. We'll show you a few here.

BOLD REFORMS FOR RECURRING REVENUES. The source is the Governor's budget proposal.

BROADEN THE TAX BASE. This comes from former State Senator Owen Laughlin's A Guide to Liberal Terms for the Legislative Session. This was a handout he used while on the campaign trail in 2010 for the office of the State Treasurer. The definition of this is "People paying existing taxes are fed up, so we need to find new things to tax for the first time in history." Fits the Fallin sales tax hike perfectly.

INVEST/INVESTMENT This one comes from House Appropriations and Budget Chair Leslie Osborn in an article from The Oklahoman: "Out of 101 people in the House, I've got 70 or 80 pragmatic members that will actually look at this and say it's time to invest (with new revenue)." Osborn, speaking on The Oklahoman's Political State podcast, referred to "pragmatic members" as those who might be willing to vote in favor of a tax increase. Does anyone besides the Muskogee Politico and us see a problem here? It's a simple problem. Invest or investing or investment usually implies using monies you already have. Representative Osborn you just made yourself the subject of my next article.

Now someone did try to be polite about raising your taxes by saying this. NEW RECURRING REVENUE. The source is a column by Scott Meacham, posted online by the Governor. Like we said, a much nicer way of saying "higher taxes."

What's important is that people being aware of the various terms that they are using to raise taxes on the working people of Oklahoma. There are other ways to raise the funds in this state however the state government just doesn't appear to be capable of doing what is necessary to get the job done.

At a time when the state is in a financial crisis these pack of less than wise men thought they were justified in making the tax credit for the oil and gas industry permanent. Why? Most Oklahoma citizens are hurting as well however they got their tax cut removed and placed back into the state coffers to help make up the $1.3 billion dollar shortfall last year. Already during this session they have grown the size of government. That just goes to prove that we have a desperate lack of leadership and intelligence running the state. Between the last two years the state has had a shortfall of over $2.1 billion dollars in its budget. Yet they found $50 million for the Native American Heritage Center and the Tulsa Pop Museum. They also came up $66,000.00 plus to cover a sex scanda. What they haven't done is cut enough of the tax credits to the companies that finance their campaigns. They give out in excess of $2 billion dollars a year in tax credits there.

There is another big problem the state faces that they refuse to tackle. We must ask who would want to relocate a business to Oklahoma when their employees would be caught in a maze of turnpikes that will soon have more mileage than any other state in the union. It's past time to do away with the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority.

In closing the best we can say is that us taxpayers in Oklahoma are the unwilling, led by the unqualified to do the unnecessary for the ungrateful. We have done so much with so little for so long that we are now qualified to do practically anything with nothing.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A Tax Increase Is Still A Tax Increase

Is it us or has everyone else also noticed that politicians are a rare breed. They feel a certain amount of power over the people that they are supposed to work for yet are perfectly willing to get up in front of those same people and tell them a bald faced lie. Perhaps the saddest part of it all is people honestly believe it. Politicians believe that if they can't dazzle you with their brilliance they can always baffle you with their bull crap. We see it in full display of all it gaudy glory during this session of the legislature.

In 2006 the federal government passed the Real I.D. Act. When they did so, they in effect established a National I.D. card. They took advantage of the left coast loons and the east coast power players to increase the steps towards total control of the American populace. In 2007 Oklahoma passed a law that said we would not comply with the Real I.D. Act. Even though that law was passed, the Department of Public Safety used tax payer's dollars to purchase and place in tag agencies the necessary camera's to take a picture of the quality necessary for facial recognition. We know of only one brave individual in the state who fought this and won.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Ponzi Scheme? Or Just Plain Theft?


We know that most of the residents of Oklahoma are aware that the state of Oklahoma has had its second budget failure in a row declared today. Did we really or did we just not make enough income for what the state wanted to spend it on? Have you ever wondered why they kept the budget making process so secret. Some information dropped into our hands today that will surely have every single politician at the state capital screaming their heads off. It will also show that the tax increase proposal was nothing more than a ploy to be able to keep their campaign donors happy. It will also show that a vast majority of our legislators, elected officials and appointed officials are in it to make themselves rich and not for the welfare of the citizens or the state of Oklahoma.

The first article of interest we found was this It's the revenue, stupid! (Guest post: Ken Miller). Our state budget is required by law to be balanced each year. For the last two years now drastic cuts have been made to every department in the state because of the shortage of revenue. What we didn't see, with the exception of the education system, was a cut in personnel or a hiring freeze. In fact we saw absolutely no attempt to shrink the size of government in this time period. What kind of fools do you people in the legislature think we citizens are?

Monday, March 20, 2017

What Drives This Narcissist?


Well we all know it's that time of year. Time for the annual Looney Tunes convention at the State Capitol. Some may call that disrespectful however when you consider the legislation they choose to pursue is based on the whim of the chair of the committee, it comes into more clarity. Many laws or changes to laws that are in desperate need will go unattended while bills pushed by lobbyist will be heard in the committees and on the floors of both chambers. We would like to say to our elected officials that there is a difference between being smart and being intelligent. To be intelligent you must be smart but you must also have the common sense necessary for critical thought. A vast majority of you at the State Capitol sorely lack that common sense. Senator Yen leads the pack by far.

This is not the first story we have written about Senator Yen, but we did start at his official web page here Oklahoma State Senate - Senators. As is typical with the Senate they give you as little information as they can. We can say that the Senator is a Naturalized Citizen from Taiwan. He was brought to America at a young age by his parents by a fear of invasion by the Communist Chinese of the island of Taiwan which remains a free country to this day. The state of the world was much different in those days and they did have a very real and justified fear.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Fallin's Own Words & Actions Come Back to Haunt Her

The Watchman

For years many of us have said that politicians say what the people want to hear and do the opposite anyway. Often that is very hard to prove. In the case of Governor Fallin we have it in writing. We have her own words rewarding big business in Oklahoma while burdening the common working people with exorbitant taxes. She seeks to placate the majority of the people by eliminating the tax on groceries, yet she rewards those that donate the most to political campaigns by seeking to eliminate the business tax. We will use her own words from her State of the State Address, her 2014 Campaign site and a pledge she made in 2010 as a candidate for Governor to show you that she has sat here for the last six plus years and lied to the citizens of the State of Oklahoma.

We didn't have to go very far back to expose the lies that the Governor has made to the citizens of this great state. We went back to her first campaign for Governor when she made a promise to the people and even signed a statement to the fact that she would oppose and veto any and all efforts to increase taxes. You can see that sworn pledge for yourself here