From the very beginning, we want to be clear that this is something that all candidates at every level of politics, regardless of political affiliation do. Accepting donations from friends and relatives from out of state is perfectly legal. Accepting donations from corporations, political action committees and unions is also perfectly legal.
An example of what we feel as unacceptable is a Republican politician in Oklahoma accepting contributions from nearly all the Native American Tribes recognized by the federal government and not lifting a finger to write a piece of legislation to assist them. He is the subject of a later story.
But was is chilling is once again foreign money has been detected entering the campaign funds of one political action committee and being distributed to Democratic candidates this time without the candidate’s knowledge. That is a violation of campaign finance law. This is a matter of grave importance to every single voter not just in Oklahoma, but in the Nation. The Federal Election Commission is investigating.
One thing we do know is that dark money is ruining a lot of elections and a lot of futures. ACT Blue is one of those dark money groups. They are currently under investigation by the FEC for laundering money from Black Lives Matter International and putting it into the campaign coffers of prominent politicians. It is a long, sordid tale of trying to get away without having to pay taxes or follow the law.
This really depends on who you want to believe. We have this report from Investmentblog.com that indicates that when you go to donate to Black Lives Matter you are redirected to Act Blue’s page where you make your tax free donation. You see not all of BLM is tax free. By going through Act Blue all the money is donated tax free. It also indicates that Act Blue is basically ran by the Democratic Party. You know the same group of politicians that have been supporting all these senseless riots all summer long.
You then may look at it through this way. We found this informative article from the Capital Research Center. It is highly informative and well worth your time to open and read the link. Quoting from the article “As InfluenceWatch explains, ACTBLUE is a service for left wing groups and Democratic Politicians to fundraise without setting up an online donation infrastructure themselves. Money passes through ActBlue to the ultimate recipient and ActBlue collects a fee as payment. This also has the added effect of obscuring the ultimate recipient, since money passing through ActBlue looks like a donation to ActBlue-not to, say, Black Lives Matter.
Those two paragraphs basically explain it all. Black Lives Matter and Act Blue are operating a criminal enterprise at the behest of the Democratic party. We must ask why? We must also ask if the one Democratic Representative that we have in Washington D.C. is aware of how corrupt and how much crime that this group has committed. Is she aware that some ill-gotten money may have made it into her campaign. If so, what does she intend to do about it.
We looked at only three pages of the Federal Election Commissions Report from Representative Kendra Horn. We see only one problem with them. There were several people and organizations from out of state listed there. What is really concerning were all the funds transferred to her campaign funds from the Group Act Blue. How much of these funds were legitimate donations and how much of it were fees collected by Act Blue for the money laundry business they are conducting with various criminal organizations? Would you want to have links to a possible criminal enterprise?
Now Congresswoman Horn is proving to be living up to her campaign promise. She did say she would change things in D.C., and she is. Instead of making thoughtful votes that will affect all Oklahomans and in fact the entire nation. This has been proven by this report in the local news and many more like it.
We had taken notice of the fact that Representative Horn had been in the area a lot more frequently than the other Representatives from the state and we began to wonder why. We did a little research and found this rollcall vote in the House of Representatives that gave them the right for a proxy vote. For all of you living in the 5th Congressional District I must ask, how does it feel to know that the person that you elected to represent you is allowing someone else to do it that you don’t even know.
Now it seems that Representative Horn is in a tough fight. There is a dark money group out there running an advertisement saying she got $5 million tax dollars to help with her campaign. We could not find a record on it and from the look of things she is not doing much with it. We found this report in the MuskogeePolitico.com that indicates that her challenger is far outraising campaign contributions. We watched a site the other day that we knew played campaign commercials from dark money groups supporting both of their campaigns and found that her opponent was running almost a hundred to six adds.
We next went to www.votesmart.org to see what information they had available on her. We had previously reported that she was not a newcomer to D.C. politics. But what we found in her work history is very disturbing. In a previous article we had informed you of her work as a lobbyist while she worked simultaneously for Congressman Brad Carson. This has become even worse.
Congresswoman Horn needs to explain to the people of Congressional District Five why we are paying her roughly $174,000.00 a year to represent us in Washington and yet she has gone out and gotten a job as a Senior Consultant, At The Mettise Group and has remained in her position as a Strategic Consultant. Amatra, Limited Liability Company. Why hasn’t she been working for us?
We found the following information on the Biography page of Project VoteSmart. This will help you understand the reasoning for the above paragraph. Congresswoman Horn sits on the following committees and subcommittees:
Armed Services
Science, Space and Technology
Subcommittee on Energy
Subcommittee on Readiness
Chair, Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics
Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
Congresswoman Horn’s work history is as follows:
Senior Consultant, The Mettise Group, 2018-present
Strategic Consultant, Amatra, Limited Liability Company, 2009-present
Executive Director, Sally’s List Incorporated, 2015-2017
Campaign Manager, Joe Dorman for Oklahoma, 2014
Studio Manager/Teacher/Program Lead, CorePower Yoga, 2009-2012
Director of Marketing and Congressional Relations, WP Aerospace, 2008-2009
Director/Communications and Manager/Government Affairs, Space Foundation, 2005-2008
Press Secretary, United States Congressman Brad Carson 2004-2005
What is not listed is the fact that while she worked for Congressman Carson, she also worked as a lobbyist for the military industrial complex.
We next went to the vote section to look up one vote. You can find that section by opening this link. The vote we were looking for was her vote on the use of proxy votes during this current plandemic. We wanted to know if she was willing to give the voice of the Fifth Congressional District away to someone the constituents did not know. Well we would recommend that you open this link and read it for yourself. You will find that she has chosen to let someone else vote for her. We even went as far as to look up the Clerk of the House Roll Call vote on the matter for verification. You can look for yourself by opening this link. This is beyond ridiculous.
The only thing that Representative Horn has said that indicates she would want to work for the people of Oklahoma was said after former Vice President Biden was caught lying about stopping the use of fracking. She tweeted “here’s one of the places Biden and I disagree. We must stand up for our oil and gas industry.”
“We need an all-of-the-above energy approach that’s consumer friendly, values energy independence and protects OK jobs. I’ll keep fighting for that in Congress.” We think most of the state is still waiting for her to start.
In closing all we can say is in 2018 those in District five had a hard choice to make. Here she was making promises to change the way things were done. She did too. She changed from things going the Republicans way to things going the Democratic socialist way. We can pretty much bet that that was not the change you were looking for. She needs to go but her challenger is not much better.
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