Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Some Animals are More Equal Than Others

By the Watchman

In the world of politics nepotism is a common thing. It's often used to payback loyal supporters of the candidate should they be elected to office. We currently have such a case in the office of the Governor; it appears that a political appointee can't handle his liquor and feels he's above the law when his driver's license is revoked. In cases like this we must ask why is this man still drawing a tax funded paycheck? People like this are why we are considered the most corrupt state in the union.

What prompted our interest in this story was this Finance secretary accused of driving after license revoked | NewsOK.com. Now this is not the first time that Preston Doerflinger has been arrested since becoming the Finance Secretary. The story on this is so new, that we were unable to dig out any details on it over the internet. We are left wondering what special favors he will ask for this time to get out of this ticket.

We did find another legal action taken by Mr. Doerflinger here OSCN Case Details. What this is amounts to an attempt to have his driver's license re-instated. In short this weasel is making an attempt to get out of this current trouble he's in by claiming his license was reinstated. In short this is another politically connected individual who's hoping those connections will get the case dismissed. This is a standard not enjoyed by the citizens of this state that weren't handpicked by the Governor to serve in her cabinet.

The next article of interest we found was this Oklahoma Secretary of Finance and Revenue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is a history of the position of the Secretary of Finance and Revenue. Frankly to us the law which created this position seems like nothing more than a way to grow the size of government. There's nothing being done by this office that isn't already being accomplished by other department within the government. In this time of deep debt crisis this organization should be eliminated as a luxury we can no longer afford.

We next found the personal page on Wikipedia for Mr. Doerflinger here Preston Doerflinger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Now this tells an interesting story and is well worth the time to open and read. This is the first we here of his arrest in January of 2015 for Driving Under the Influence. This is where his driver's license was suspended. We were unable to locate any court documents to show why, but there is a claim that the charges were reduced to a misdemeanor and he paid a fine. What we do find appalling is that when the police arrived they indicated to news media that there appeared to be a female being held hostage in his Range Rover. Hello. District Attorney did you let him slide because he worked for the Governor? This is totally unacceptable to any one much less an affront to Oklahoma's moral standards.

The next article we found of interest actually supports our previous statement. We strongly urge you to open the link and read it here Jan. 23, 2015: Oklahoma City police arrest Oklahoma Secretary of Finance Preston Doerflinger | News OK.

The next article of interest we found indicates how little concern he has for his wife and family. Instead of letting the normal course of a divorce occurs, he has drugged his out for well over two years. We can't help but wonder if he's doing this to see them suffer or if he's doing it to be vindictive. You can open the link here OCIS Case Summary for FD-2013-1015- In re the Marriage of: DOERFLINGER, JILL and DOERFLINGER, PRESTON (Tulsa County District C. Now we don't normally get the families involved, but when we see a family being mentally abused like this, we have an obligation to say something.

We next found a list of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services administrators here Office of Management and Enterprise Services (OMES) - Administration. All of these people should be working at other agencies doing the same jobs. Putting them all together just raises the cost of government because of the building space and utility charges. None of them do a job that cannot or isn't already being done at other agencies anyway. This is a gross misappropriation of tax payer's dollars. This is an agency created to give a former legislator a job back in the eighty's.

The next article of interest we found was this State Secretary of Finance and Revenue caught driving with suspended license | Oklahoma City - OKC - KOCO.com. Most Oklahoman's know that if you are involved in an alcohol related offense while behind the wheel of a motor vehicle your license is going to be suspended. Even if you get special treatment and have the charges reduced to a point where there is no alcohol involved, your license is suspended until you take the necessary paperwork and pay whatever cost are mandated before your license will be reinstated

The next article of interest we found was this Lawmaker Files 'No Confidence' Legislation and Calls for Removal of Oklahoma Secretary of Finance | FortySix News. It was a surprise to find this piece of legislation being considered. It's unfortunate that the Chambercrats in the House never passed it. You can see the bill here webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/cf_pdf/2015-16 FLR/HFLR/HR1046 HFLR.PDF. We concur with the bill. We have no confidence in this man.

The Office of Management and Enterprise should be disbanded and those jobs be folded back into the original departments they came from.

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