Monday, June 18, 2018

The Block Candidacy For Lt. Gov.

That is Actually a Very Good Choice

 There are many times when a candidate runs for office that they are completely ignored. Today we bring you a textbook example of one such candidate. This gentleman has been ignored by most of the main stream media. We found only one blogger, two newspapers and one television station that have bothered to interview him. We will not make a recommendation for any candidate; however, his voice deserves to be heard.

We first learned of this individual from this article. Although not directly mentioned by name, it was an incentive to push us into looking at the fourth candidate. We were able to find a lot of good useful information on him.

The candidacy for the office of Lt. Governor was put into further detail in this article from the You can read the article here. They have some good information on the candidate.

We next went to his web site to see what information was available. You can visit his web site here. The first item we noticed on the web site was he failed to indicate which party he was running for. This is a tactic that we see more often in liberal candidates than we do in true Conservative Republicans. This could be an indicator of why he isn't receiving donations more frequently.

We next looked at his biography page to see what information we could find. You can locate his biography by opening the link we added.

We then went to the part of the site that covers economics. He has some sound ideas, but the name of his plan will put people looking at someone else. You can see his economic plan by visiting his site here. A better named plan should have been considered. Blockonomics sounds far too much as Obamanomics.

The one item that makes his site standout is this part of his site. We cannot recall a candidate who has ever used a philosophy section on there site. We also cannot recall a candidate that has ever included a Mission Statement on their site. We would encourage you to open the link and read it for yourselves.

We next found an article from This article can be found here. This is where we found that this wasn't the first office Mr. Block was a candidate. He ran for a seat in the Senate in 2010. He was unsuccessful but lacked support from the community and the state GOP.

We found an article from the Edmond Sun next. The debate that night had to do with raising taxes. You can read the article here. We do encourage you to read the article. It will give you a good idea as to where they stand on the issue.

We were able to find only one broadcast that Mr. Block was mentioned. You can the video of the broadcast here. In fact, there are four videos in the broadcast. Though we don't do it often, we must give a well done to the Flashpoint team at KFOR.

We next found an article from Wikipedia.orgThis article contains more information about his 2010 campaign for the State Senate. We would encourage you to open the link and read the article for yourself.

We next went to to see what information they had available on him. What they had was all dated for the 2010 Senatorial campaign he ran. We started with his Biography, which you can see hereWe found few if any differences between his biography now and in 2010.

We next went to the evaluations page.

He did receive one endorsement from the NRA Victory fund in 2010 which you can view here. They gave him an A rating.

We next went to the campaign finance reports which you can view here. These figures are again from his 2010 campaign. As you can see there were very few individuals and no corporate donations that we could find.

We next went to to see if they had any campaign finance entries that weren't previously mention. We found this article. As we indicated earlier, we found no corporations that contributed to his campaign.

We next went to the Oklahoma State Ethics commission to see if they had any information. You can go to the site yourself by going to this link and type in the information about Mr. Block for yourself. There are numerous entries made but once again we found no corporate or special interest groups that have donated to his campaign.

 In conclusion we found that Mr. Block is like very few politicians we see here in Oklahoma. He hasn't taken a dime from any special interest groups or corporations. It's refreshing to see a candidate like this run for office. It indicates that he is in it for the people and not corporate welfare. Sadly, he is suffering the same problem he had in 2010. He's unable to finance any commercials or items of that nature to promote his campaign. We wish him well.

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