Monday, September 17, 2018

Where's the Money, Tom Dugger?




We'll start this report with a question. How do you tell if any elected official is working for the people, or for the donors who financed their campaign? The answer is always the same, you follow the money. You also must consider their voting record and who it benefits the most. Many of Oklahoma's elected officials in the House and Senate along with the representatives that are supposed to be representing us at the federal level always campaign as being Conservative, but their lies are on record by the way they vote.

Tonight, we are going to bring you the State Senator that has the worse voting record based on key issues that matter to Oklahoman's. The individual is Tom Dugger of Senate district 21, which covers Payne County.

Here are some of the bad votes made by Senator Dugger this year alone

HB1010xx, Teachers pay raise, voted Yea, a liberal vote.
HB1011xx, deductions cap, Voted Yea, a liberal vote.
HB1019xx, Out of state sales tax collection, Voted Yea, a liberal vote
HB1023xx, Teachers Pay Raise, Voted Yea, a liberal vote.
HB1024xx, State workers pay increases, voted Yea, a liberal vote
HB1026xx, School support staff pay increase, Voted Yea, a liberal vote.
HB2756, ONG tax credit extension, Voted Yea, a liberal vote.
HB2950, Prohibits sale of 4-gauge wire. Voter Yea, a liberal vote

HB3042, Talihina Veterans Center Bonds. Voted Yea, a liberal vote
HB3369, anti 2nd Amendment Bill, Voted Yea, a liberal vote.
HB3375, dice and roulette gambling extension Voted Yea, a liberal vote
HB3407, Mandates OKIE call. Voted Yea, a liberal vote.
HB3439, DNA collection for misdemeanors. Voted Yea, a liberal vote
HJR1029, ethics commission 2-year lobby ban. Voted Yea a liberal vote
SB888, end wind tax credits, Voted Nea, a liberal vote.
SB923, expand Quality Jobs Program, Voted Yea, a liberal vote.

SB1252, Events Incentive act. Voted Yea, a liberal vote.
SB1287, Spreading rumors bill. Voted Yea, a liberal vote.
SB1584, Conservation bond debt. Voted Yea, a liberal vote.
SB1590, bond issue on prisons. Voted Yea, a liberal vote

As you can see these votes failed to benefit the citizens of Oklahoma. They tightened the screws on the working class while benefiting those special interest groups. This should serve as an alert to all elected officials that we are watching and will expose their miserable voting records.

We nest looked his biography from the Senate here. This is becoming more and more like a slap myself on the back site. They'll tell you what they think you want to hear. There are few, if any facts about them here.

We next went to to see what information they had available. There was a lot of information here. We urge you to open the link and read it yourselves. This is where we begin to see how and whom he was working for. This will begin to show you that he's been campaigning for a good portion of his life.

We then looked at what he considers as his Key Votes over the time he's been in office. The man must be out of his mind. Voting like a true liberal, he votes down Constitutional Carry and votes to discriminate against religion in the placement of children under the auspices of the individual placement service. Not once did they consider the discrimination lawsuits that could occur under this law.

We next went to the Political Courage page here. As more liberals hide with cloak of claiming to be Conservative, we are seeing more and more of this response. They know that by not answering the survey that they don't have to stick on any single talking point all the time. This amounts to Democrats dressed in the Republican shield.

So how much of a liberal is this Senator? We went to this part of the report to find out. This is a link that we consider a must open and read. All the business groups rate him at a hundred percent. The Conservative groups listed him at the highest of thirty percent. He is proving his loyalty to the special interest groups that backed his candidacy. This is disgraceful.

We next went to the Campaign Finance page located here. We weren't ready for what we found. There were absolutely no campaign finance reports on him. We knew where to go to dig deeper.

We next found this article from Non-Doc. The story in itself is about a recently hired part time employee. We can't overlook the facts of the Senator's involvement in several other state jobs. What is most disturbing to us is the simple fact that Senator Dugger is the only C.P.A in the office. We truly hope that his firm does a better job with the cases he's involved with than he does at managing the people's money.

The next article of interest we found was this. We will say that he does have contributions from individuals. Open this link and scroll through the list then you will see that most of the major corporations in the state are his contributors. To be blunt about it, he sold his vote to the corporations instead of doing what will benefit individuals.

We then found this article from We find that the votes mentioned here where hand picked by someone that just wanted him to look good. Neither one of them were successful.

Then we found this article. The question raised in this article deals with verification of documents. Although we don't believe that he has graduated from college, no one seems willing to provide the verification from Oklahoma State University. We do consider this an overlooked verification; the Senator needs to have it verified to eliminate any doubt.

We next came across this article from the Stillwater Chamber of Commerce where if you'll scroll down to the bottom you'll find Mr. Dugger is listed as an Ex-Officio Member of the Chamber. This indicates that there may be connections with the Oklahoma State Chamber of Co0mmerce that now dominates both houses of the legislature.

We next came across this article. This is a list of all past board members of the Oklahoma Accountancy Board. This has been alluded to in some of his biography pages.

 In conclusion we can only surmise that Senator Dugger is nothing more than a Chambercrat. He holds no allegiance to the citizens who put him in office. His allegiance is solely committed to do what the State Chamber tells him to do.

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