Monday, September 25, 2017

Campaign Law & The Lamb Issues


What brought our attention to this race for Governor and this candidate was this article In Governor's Race, Todd Lamb's Nonprofit Walks a Fine Line | Oklahoma Watch. We had been unaware that he was running a non-profit organization. We felt that it deserved some investigation and we did. The Citizens of Oklahoma and the small business owners of Oklahoma are not going to be happy with what we found.

We started by going to his official biography page at here Lieutenant Governor Todd Lamb - Biography. We note that he has stressed his dedication to the small businesses of the state and to the oil and gas industry. Paying attention to the oil and gas industry in Oklahoma is only natural for any politician, and that's why we are in the financial mess that we are in.

We next went to his campaign page and found this Todd Lamb's Conservative Plan To Renew Oklahoma | Learn More Now he does say all the right words in his plan, but there is no meat on the few bones that he gives the people. His idea of a Conservative Plan appears to be tell the people what they want to hear and do whatever I feel the State Chamber of Commerce wants me to do. He is sorely out of touch with the people.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Kannady's RINO Identity

  This week we returned to the RINO list for our story. Not surprisingly we found a member of the House leadership right at the bottom of the list. We still haven't seen a Democrat near the bottom. Is it any wonder that Republicans are losing their special elections?

  We first went to his Official web site at here Representative Chris Kannady - Oklahoma House of Representatives. We will give him credit for his service in the Marine Corps. It deserves to be noted that his service in the JAG Corps is what those on the line would refer to him as a REMF. You'll have to ask your friendly Marine Corps Vietnam Veteran what that means. It's not fit for publication according to our editor.

  The next article of interest we found was this Chris Kannady - Ballotpedia. Now this gives us a little more insight into his 2nd term in office. What we found especially interesting was his sponsored bills. We would encourage you to open the link and go through the bills for yourself. Almost every single bill or resolution he sponsored that was approved was for a special interest group. The one he failed to get approved was the pay raise for the teachers. Every single bill or resolution he did get approved will have a drastically bad effect on the pockets of the middle and lower income citizens of the state of Oklahoma. This article also highlights that more priority was placed on commending various citizens and organizations than on passing a budget. This is indicative of a complete failure of the entire leadership of the House of Representatives leadership.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Candidate Hypocrisy We Cannot Ignore


We became aware of this story through this article 10 Dark Horse Oklahoma Gubernatorial Candidates | The Lost Ogle. From everything we could see on the surface this one candidate appeared to be a good candidate for the office of U.S. Senator. We felt that she should be vetted as are all candidates for office. What we found was disappointing to say the least, but also allowed us to present a clear and distinct hypocrisy of an organization founded with a good cause in mind, but has become corrupt and one sided in its views. Now this article says she is running for Governor however we were unable to find any indication of her having filed for that office. We did find this Search results | FEC indicating a run for the U.S. Senate.
The first article of interest we found was this Constance N. Johnson - Wikipedia. She decided to run for the open U.S. Senate seat in 2014 and won the Democratic primary. She lost the special election to the Republican challenger.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Civil Asset Forfeiture Is Revealed For The Piracy It Truly Is.

             Source:  The Cato Institute


Editors note: The Supreme Court recently struck down a Colorado law that refused to refund seized property and court fines for people who had their convictions overturned, demanding that the now innocent victim of the judicial system "prove beyond reasonable doubt" that they were innocent of a crime. That is something that is near impossible in most cases. The state of Colorado decided that the people were innocent enough to overturn the cases but not innocent enough to return their seized assets. The Supreme Court's Justice Thomas recently stated that the historical backing for asset forfeiture might not stand a constitutional challenge the way modern police are using the practice.

We are well aware that Civil Asset Forfeiture is an extremely sore spot between the law enforcement community and the civilian population. Over the last two legislative sessions we have watched events unfold at the State Capitol were Senator Kyle Loveless has made repeated attempts to change the law to make it friendlier to the citizens and visitors of Oklahoma. Both years he has been unsuccessful. This has been primarily due to the strong lobbying efforts of the various Law Enforcement Agencies. What our investigation has discovered is sure to upset both sides of this argument.