Monday, September 9, 2019



From time to time we come across am elected official that goes so far against what the party is doing, that we just have to ask them to leave the party. We came across one such Republican traitor last week. Once again it concerns the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. The law he wants to see off the books is the recently passed “Constitutional Carry” law.

What made us take a look at this individual was this article in the We have here an elected Republican official who not only spoke at a rally to repeal the law, but also had the nerve and audacity to misrepresent the legislation to his hometown City Counsel in order to get them to join in the petition against the Constitutional Carry law.

We know that this is nothing more than a political stunt started by Representative Lowe to gain name recognition. In actuality we can say, by this example, that in reality all this petition was for was to split the state much like what the Democratic National party is doing to this country. This isn’t being done to protect the innocent at all. What is it that is causing these allegedly highly educated Representatives don’t understand about the phrase in part: shall not be infringed” do they fail to understand. As the saying goes “You can’t fix stupid.”

We started our research by going to the web site for District 33 House member John Talley. This freshman representative is full of contradicting statements. Some are not from him. As you can see here that we now have a freshman Representative with no legislative background sitting as vice-Chair of a committee that he isn’t qualified for. That is not his fault, it’s leaderships lack of responsibilities fought.

We went to his campaign web site here. He seems to copy his campaign slogan from a recently successful Democrat candidate for District 5. His slogan of People not politics rings hollow when you look at his campaign web site, he takes a stand on nothing. His only statement was that he planned to visit every town in the district. The lack of issue points on a web site is a typical tactic of the Democratic Party and , unfortunately more and more Republicans are beginning to do the same. That is why the individual voters and donors need to do more research on the candidate they are looking at. Not all as it seems.

Using his House Biography web page, we took a look at the bills he submitted for consideration this last year. Open this link and you can see that the one piece of legislation he proposed didn’t even get assigned to a committee. That doesn’t say much for his legislative ability. We’ll let him slide this year as it was his first session in the house. We included a copy of the legislation here so you could have a chance to review it.

We next went to to see what they had in his biography. This is what we found. There were no changes from his state web site, but we couldn’t help but notice that there was no work experience indicated. We wonder why? We have tried to talk with him on the subject but were never able to even get him on the phone. What is he hiding?

We next visited the Key Votes section. here. The very first key vote was the approval of a bill making into law actions that were already required to be part of state law. This was done with an emergency clause to make it law upon the governor’s signature. You can read the entire bill by going here. We fail to see the need for this bill at all much less the emergency. This is an obvious attempt to have a person or group of persons names placed in the Oklahoma History books. We’ll call it like we see it. This is pure hogwash. There is never a need for an emergency approval unless dealing with a natural or man-made disaster.

We next went to the candidate evaluations section located here. He’s only had one rating or evaluation given since announcing his candidacy. Because of his recent actions, we expect he’ll see plenty of more like this below

NRA 0%

He’s been a gun grabber all the while. This should have told the voters something. Granted Stillwater is a liberal city, but he should have talked to his constituents before doing this. Instead he just does what’s good for him and the rest of the law-abiding citizens would just have to deal with it. That sounds more like Maxine Waters than an Oklahoma Republican.

We next went to the campaign finance reports to see what information it could provide. We found no irregularities in this report. The figures in this report come from These figures only left one question. There was no indication of a campaign loan he made to himself being repaid.

We also went to this site to see what the State Ethics Commission had available. After going through their records, we once again were not able to discover where the campaign loan had been repaid. That is a subject for a challenger to take up.

When all is said and done, what we have is the possible end of a political career over his support of getting a vote of the people. Not enough signatures for the state question to be placed on the ballot were obtained. Constitutional Carry will go into effect on November 1, 2019 as passed by the legislature and signed by the governor.

There are several things that should occur at this time. We would recommend that he change parties, so he’ll feel more at home with his fellow gun grabbers. Should he decide not to do so, then steps should be taken by the Oklahoma State GOP Chair to inform him that he will not receive the endorsement or support of the State Party on his next campaign.

As of Friday, September 6, 2019, the Oklahoma State Supreme Court rejected the placement of a state question on the ballot for Constitutional Carry. The petitioning party failed to collect enough signatures on the petition to move the question forward.

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